Employment Practices Liability

Protect Your Organization

This coverage provides protection for employers for claims of wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, invasion of privacy, false imprisonment, breach of contract, emotional distress, and wage and hour law violations.

The EPL policy is one that business owners can buy to protect their organizations against employee suits for rights protected under various acts (i.e.: ADA, Civil Rights, FMLA, ADEA & EEOC). More recently, with the expansion of privacy law(s), employee privacy concerns have come to the fore as private employee data is stored electronically. This is not always covered under an EPL policy, but Leo Risk Services has responded by offering cyber liability and network security policies.

Ask your favorite Leo Risk Services broker for details on EPL coverage for your client.

Employment Practices Liability for PEO Operations

Risk Transfer, Loss Control and Risk Management for Alternative Staffing Firms

Covering a primary exposure, employment liability has always been a concern of the alternative staffing industry, which is composed of approximately 2,000 professional employer organizations (PEOs) and 1,500 temporary help firms. Now considered one of the fastest growing industries in the United States, alternative staffing firms face broader and more complex employment practices liability (EPL) exposures than ever before. This makes the need to control those exposures a priority issue for most companies.

Leo Risk Services, Inc. can write customized EPL insurance protection for alternative staffing firms, coupled with specialized claims management and risk management services – all through one valuable and cost-effective product.

Contact us directly for all of your EPL needs!