Independently Owned Wholesale Insurance Broker
Specializing in Hard to Place Businesses
Over 40 Years’ Experience
Specializing in Hard to Place Businesses
Over 40 Years’ Experience
Specializing in Hard to Place Businesses
Over 40 Years’ Experience
In most cases you can expect same day turn around on new business quotes.
There is really no need to look elsewhere; if it can be done in your client’s budget, we’ll do it.
With more than 35 years’ experience in virtually all lines of insurance, we can help.
We are the go-to broker for complex and unusual risks our competitors walk away from.
At Leo Risk Services, our goal is to provide top quality service and maintain an excellent reputation for professionalism among our peers and agent partners.
We are proud of our reputation and take pride in our commitment, responsibility and personal relationships with our carriers and retail clients.
We continually search for, and sell, quality insurance products to customers whose principal interest is the highest level of coverage at the best possible price.
We specialize in providing insurance agents and brokers with unique insurance solutions for even the most challenging risks.
(727) 734-0040
Consider us mind blown! We are so impressed with Pat’s knowledge that he willingly shared and we appreciate the amount of time he spent educating us. Not to mention we’re getting even higher savings than expected for our clients and higher commissions for us.
They clearly have years of experience with all specialty areas, but they’ve also been there through soft and hard markets and they know the newest risks today, like cyber, thank God!
Leo Risk has access to insurance markets for difficult to place risks and they are our go-to wholesaler for that reason. They are quick to answer questions and provide quotes and we appreciate the entire staff at Leo Risk Services!
Leo Risk Services, Inc. is an independently owned Commercial Wholesale Broker with more than 35 years of experience in virtually all lines of insurance.
2535 Landmark Drive, Suite 102
Clearwater, FL 33761
(727) 734-0040
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